Get that perfect finish by using a roller that is extra durable and shed-resistant. Specially designed for use with best-in-class Aura paint, but suitable for use with any of our interior paints
For smoother lint-free results with all paints, use a woven roller fabric—especially with higher-sheen coatings. For greater pickup and release (faster application), try a knitted fabric when using flats or eggshell paints. A specialty cover would be high production covers or covers designed for specific products or surfaces. Choosing the right Nap: Generally, the smoother the surface the shorter the nap.
- 3/16” or 1/4” nap: Untextured plaster, smooth wood, drywall, wallboard, metal - 3/8” or 1/2" nap: Most walls and ceilings. Lightly textured drywall or wood paneling. - 3/4" or 1” nap: Textured plaster or stucco. Siding, decks, concrete block. - 1 ¼” or 1 ½” nap: Heavily textured plaster or stucco. Rough wood, brick or corrugated metal.